Fallen London Destinies 第五部分:远方光耀:1911(草稿)










"A Presbyterate Adventuress"

"I was attached to your Admiralty as an advisor. But I dislike the atmosphere there lately... too much of the wrong kind of light. I'm going home, or at least back to zee. But before I do, I'm going to give you a gift." 

"Why you? Because you've never forgotten who you are. Or so your benefactor tells me. Look, I told you, I lost a bet. Do you want my gift? It's a prophecy-dream. I don't believe in prophecies. You hang around long enough, pretty much anything comes true. But then, on the other hand, if you hang around long enough... pretty much everything comes true." 

She hands you a sapphire. "This is from the Carnelian Coast. Put it under your pillow. Yes, I know, the 'Carnelian' Coast. What can I say? Your countrymen aren't the linguists they think they are. Good luck." 







September 21st, 1911

By the time you return to your pavilion, it is already crowded with your captains: exiles, mercenaries, devils of independent means. The Possessed Emissary. (You watch her closely.) The monkey-queen from the Empire of Hands, her eyes ablaze with soul-greed. The Bishop of St Fiacre's, face frozen in a grimace of delight. And safe behind a pale mask, December of the Calendar Council. 

You don't keep them waiting. 

"You followed me here: and I have preserved you! Did I not promise you as much? The Wax-Wind still sleeps. The rain of souls has passed. We have shamed the Presbyter, the Old God, the hirelings of the Bazaar. And in three days' time..." 

You have all their attention: but you let them savour the moment. "In three days' time, we will breach the Mountain. The spoils are nothing less than life eternal! And then, I shall..."



"Death is the final country! Once we have conquered the Mountain, we will conquer Death. Mankind will be free of age and oblivion."



"I will bestow it as a gift on those who merit it."



"We were meant to die. The brevity of our lives is what makes us human. Look at the torments and taints of the Neath. We will put an end to the Sun's experiment."



"I will drink the power of the Mountain and become eternal. You will be rewarded. You've trusted me already with the power of life and death. I will be your general...and I will be your God."






"A roar of delight!"

Your captains are on their feet, applauding. The Bishop rises only grudgingly. Of course: he had hoped the Garden would be preserved for his people. But he had always known it would be harder than that. He'll be no trouble. 

What of the others? The Possessed Emissary is inscrutable: her eyes are mirrors. December is pleased, of course, although you imagine that one might have been just as pleased had you chosen to dynamite the Mountain. The devils are arguing fiercely over what it might mean. 

You step out of the tent and raise your hand to shade your eyes. This close, the Mountain of Light casts shadows of noon-time sharpness. "General?" a voice says behind you. It's your subaltern. There are tears in his eyes. "You were right, general. You were right all along. There can't be enough statues to you." 

"If we succeed," you point out. You shade your eyes again to look at the bright slopes of the Mountain. "No one ever has, you know."





A surge of greedy applause

They think you mean them. Perhaps they're right. Certainly, you'll need to make some of them immortal. Perhaps all of them. And then what? Will you recruit the College of Mortality to help you elect the worthy? Will you give life to your heroes, your lovers, those who share your virtues? Those who can pay? You'll have plenty of time to decide. If you win. 

Of all your captains, only December is silent. You cannot see the expression behind the mask, but you can see the folded arms, the scowling silence. And you watch as December turns to leave, elbowing his way through the cheering crowd. You turn to your Master of Assassins. "Have that one followed. Do nothing more... yet." 

There is a devil at your elbow. "General," she says silkily. "Truly immortal souls are of particular value. We expect to pay a fair price. We'd like to talk to you about trading licenses..."

C、- ——宿命:幽暗







The cheer is muted. The devils among your captains applaud ironically. The Bishop smiles thinly. Mercenaries mutter. Your Master of Assassins steps forward, rather casually, to rest a hand on the tent pole. The mutterings subside. 

You step outside the pavilion. The Mountain rises above you, ablaze with light. Where its radiance touches your skin, you feel the familiar prickle of vitality. 

A sound: December has emerged behind you. The pale mask nods. "I knew I could trust you. It's hard. But we'll be free. Perhaps we'll be the only free beings in the cosmos." 

"We?" you ask. "Are you one of us? Really? I was beginning to wonder." 

"Funny," December says softly. "I was beginning to wonder the same thing about you."




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